Wildcard characters in Excel are special characters which will be wont to take the place of characters during a formula. they're employed in Excel formulas for incomplete matches.

Excel supports wildcard characters in formulas to return values that share an equivalent pattern. The characters are wont to search for a text string with an equivalent known patterns — the start and therefore the ending characters, and also, the amount of characters presented within the cell.
Wildcard characters are useful especially when the precise cell content isn't known. It’s important to notice that they only work with text, not numbers.

Types of wildcard characters

 There are three wildcard characters: 

* (asterisk)

(question mark)

~ (tilde)


* (asterisk) represents any number of characters. For example “Aus*” returns Australia or Austria

asterisk wildcard character - country list

Wildcard characters

Question mark

? (question mark) represents one single character. For example, “p?n” returns pan, pen or pin.

wildcard characters question mark - letter p

Wildcard characters


~ (tilde) is used to literally indicate the asterisk and question mark characters as they are, as * or ?, instead of a wildcard character in the formula. For example, “Aus~*” returns Aus* but not Australia or Austria like above.

wildcard characters tilde - list of countries

Wildcard characters

Wildcard characters

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