Excel CONCATENATE Function
The Excel CONCATENATE function concatenates (joins) join up to 30 text items together and returns the result as text. The CONCAT function replaces CONCATENATE in newer versions of Excel.
- text1 - The first text value to join together.
- text2 - The second text value to join together.
- text3 - [optional] The third text value to join together.
The CONCATENATE function concatenates (joins) join up to 30 text items together and returns the result as text. In the latest versions of Excel, CONCATENATE function is deprecated in favor of the CONCAT function, which is more flexible.
In the example shown, the following formula returns the string "Apples and Pears":
=CONCATENATE(B5," and ",C5) // returns "Apples and Pears"
When you concatenate dates, times, and other numeric values, you'll lose number formatting. Per the example shown, you can use the TEXT function to apply formatting like this:
=CONCATENATE(B7,TEXT(C7,"mmmm")) // returns "Month: July"
- CONCATENATE can join up to 30 text items together.
- Text items can be text strings, numbers, or cell references that refer to one cell.
- Numbers are converted to text when joined. If you need to specify a number format for a number being joined, see the TEXT function.
- The ampersand character (&) is an alternative to CONCATENATE. The result is the same, but the ampersand is more flexible, and creates formulas that are shorter and (arguably) easier to read.
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