SQL (Structured Query Language) is one of the most important skills for us, data people. So in this article + video, get the necessary SQL skills you need for Data Analysis work.

Step 0: Install MySQL software

Install MySQL

I am using the FREE MySQL Community Edition software to learn & practice SQL at home. You can get it from here.

If you have any other database software available (such as SQL Server or Oracle), you can use them to follow this tutorial.


Step 1: Import Awesome Chocolates Dataset

Awesome Chocolates Dataset

You need some data to practice SQL. So I prepared a sample dataset for a fictional (but yummy) company called Awesome Chocolates.

Download the .SQL file from here.

After you have the file, 

  1. Open MySQL Workbench, login if necessary
  2. Click on the “server administration” tab (see illustration, click to expand)
  3. Click on “Data Import/Restore”
  4. Select the option “Import from self-contained file”
  5. Specify the path of the downloaded awesome-chocolates-data.sql file
  6. Start import


Steps to import SQL file to MySQL workbench

At the end of these steps, your MySQL should have the awesome chocolates database. Congratulations 🎉🥳

You can see this from “Schemas” tab on the workbench


Step 2: Learn SQL for Data Analysis with this video

Everything is ready. Time to learn SQL.

I made an hour long tutorial to explain all the necessary SQL concepts for you. In this video, you will learn:

  • How to use SELECT statement to answer business questions
  • Working with WHERE clause
  • Using AND, OR, NOT and combining them to create complex queries.
  • Sorting query results using ORDER BY
  • Combining data from two or more tables using JOINS
  • Creating reports with GROUP BY
  • More than 50 example queries, tips and ideas

Please watch the video below or on my YouTube Channel.

The Queries

Here are some of the example queries covered in the video lesson. Feel free to copy paste them in to SQL console to see how they work.

-- Select everything from sales table

select * from sales;

-- Show just a few columns from sales table

select SaleDate, Amount, Customers from sales;
select Amount, Customers, GeoID from sales;

-- Adding a calculated column with SQL

Select SaleDate, Amount, Boxes, Amount / boxes  from sales;

-- Naming a field with AS in SQL

Select SaleDate, Amount, Boxes, Amount / boxes as 'Amount per box'  from sales;

-- Using WHERE Clause in SQL

select * from sales
where amount > 10000;

-- Showing sales data where amount is greater than 10,000 by descending order
select * from sales
where amount > 10000
order by amount desc;

-- Showing sales data where geography is g1 by product ID & 
-- descending order of amounts

select * from sales
where geoid='g1'
order by PID, Amount desc;

-- Working with dates in SQL

Select * from sales
where amount > 10000 and SaleDate >= '2022-01-01';

-- Using year() function to select all data in a specific year

select SaleDate, Amount from sales
where amount > 10000 and year(SaleDate) = 2022
order by amount desc;

-- BETWEEN condition in SQL with < & > operators

select * from sales
where boxes >0 and boxes <=50;

-- Using the between operator in SQL

select * from sales
where boxes between 0 and 50;

-- Using weekday() function in SQL

select SaleDate, Amount, Boxes, weekday(SaleDate) as 'Day of week'
from sales
where weekday(SaleDate) = 4;

-- Working with People table

select * from people;

-- OR operator in SQL

select * from people
where team = 'Delish' or team = 'Jucies';

-- IN operator in SQL

select * from people
where team in ('Delish','Jucies');

-- LIKE operator in SQL

select * from people
where salesperson like 'B%';

select * from people
where salesperson like '%B%';

select * from sales;

-- Using CASE to create branching logic in SQL

select  SaleDate, Amount, 
                case    when amount < 1000 then 'Under 1k'
                                when amount < 5000 then 'Under 5k'
                when amount < 10000 then 'Under 10k'
                        else '10k or more'
                end as 'Amount category'
from sales;


select team, count(*) from people
group by team

SQL Practice Problems

Once you understand the concepts I’ve demoed in the video, try to solve below homework problems.

If you want to cheat, use the solutions tab to see the answers.

Resources to Learn More

SQL Resources

SQL is a great skill to have if you work with data. Please use below courses, books, articles & websites to learn more.


SQL 101 course by Alvin Wan

I recommend trying out these courses on SkillShare academy.


Do check out these helpful websites to learn and understand various SQL concepts.

If you use my links to purchase the books or courses, I get a small affiliate commission.

There is no extra cost to you, obviously.

SQL Alternatives

If you want an alternative to SQL, consider learning Power Query.

Here is an article and here is a video to help you with that.


All the best 👍

I wish you all the best with your SQL learning. Do let me know in the comments below if you have enjoyed this article and the video.

The post Learn SQL for Data Analysis in one hour appeared first on Chandoo.org - Learn Excel, Power BI & Charting Online.

source https://chandoo.org/wp/learn-sql-for-data-analysis/